Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pardon the Disruption

Sorry everyone who was waiting on the next installment of the "Grocery Shopping on a Budget" series.  (Bueller? Bueller?  Whatever.  I like being delusional, okay?)  Unfortunately Blogger is giving me a really hard time today and I've wasted a bit too much time trying to work through its kinks.  So I'll just walk away and hope that when I come back, things will be behaving normally.

But just so it's not a complete waste, I'd like to brag about share my latest Craigslist deal. 

I'd also like to apologize for the continual parade of crappy photos.  I've tried everything to take a picture inside without a flash, but it just doesn't work in my dark house.  So until I get desperate enough to start schlepping furniture outside to photograph it, I hope you forgive me. 

See, I even tried to change the background.  A for effort, right?

Anyway, it's a twin iron bed.  Got it for free.  It's from Land of Nod.  Original cost $700.  I love rich people.  They throw away the nicest things.

I haven't yet decided if it's staying the current color (technically an antiqued green) or getting spray painted.  I'm not crazy about the amount of black showing through.  Maybe all white?  Is that classic or boring?  What do you think?

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